Feeling unsafe on Peck? Here's how to Report someone.
Peck prioritizes your safety. If someone makes you uncomfortable, you can block them easily through their profile or a conversation.
Reporting from a profile:
1. Go to their full profile.
2. Tap the three dots at the top.
3. Choose "Report" and select a reason for reporting.
4. Add any details you're comfortable sharing (more info helps us take action).
5. Tap "Submit" to report.
Reporting from a conversation:
1. Open the conversation.
2. Tap the three dots in the top right corner.
3. Choose "Report" from the options (Unmatch, Block, Report).
4. Select a reason and add details if comfortable.
4. Tap "Submit" to report.
We take all reports seriously and review them promptly. Due to privacy, we can't always share the outcome, but rest assured we handle each case carefully.
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